Reliability and Asset Management

12 Essential Elements of Highly Successful Predictive / Condition Based Maintenance Programs

Thursday, April 25th, 2013 | Condition Monitoirng & Predictive Maintenance, Maintenance Programs | No Comments

Have you ever wondered why your predictive /condition based maintenance program is not as effective as you think it should be?  It has been more than 25 years since the wide spread introduction to predictive maintenance tools/instruments and condition based maintenance practices and still many PdM/CBM programs struggle to get full support from management and that is because many of them struggle to be effective in increasing the reliability of their plant operations and showing and effective payback to their management.  Over the year I have seen hundreds of PdM/CBM programs.  All of the effective programs that I have been involved with, basically 12 essential elements.  They are as follow:

  1. Definition of the Process
  2. Leadership and Coordination
  3. Organization with Clear Roles & Responsibilities
  4. Training and Qualifications
  5. Technical Basis
  6. Guidance for Application of Technology
  7. Information Integration and Management
  8. Prioritization and Scheduling of PdM/CBM Work
  9. Work Closeout and Maintenance Feedback
  10. Clear Goals and Performance Measurement
  11. Calculation and Reporting Cost-Benefit and Return on Investment
  12. Continuous Improvement

Does your predictive maintenance / condition based maintenance program have these essential elements?

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